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Our mission is to protect people’s living,
by creating landscape while leaning from nature.
We have years of experience creating landscapes with our Stone Wall methods.
Our products have strong durability and environment friendly construction design.
By applying our stone wall, we can protect people’s living from natural disasters, and restore nature scenery.SOKEI member is always here to listen customer’s voice.

Sengokuhara Dam
location Kanagawa method RcS orderer Kanagawa construction period 2013 -
Kanda River restration
location Chiyoda, Tokyo method RcS orderer Tokyo govt. construction period 2019 -
Shinkiba Park Tokyo
location Shinkiba, Tokyo method RcS orderer Tokyo govt. construction period 2017 -
Tonoshima Uji River restoration
location Kyoto method ABS
Round Stoneorderer MLIT
Yodogawa Officeconstruction period 2021
from Yamanashi, JAPAN
Our team members are working close to every customer until the completion of each project.

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